Science & Software

Software for researchers, Databases, Big Data, Neural Networks, Machine Learning… 

Science exists since the humankind does, it’s in our nature to explore our surroundings and to try to determine how things happen. The investigation techniques and therefore the instrumentation of scientific research have, of course, changed as humankind has evolved. In the past few decades, huge steps have been taken. It was no long ago when computers were unknown to us and calculations had to be done by hand. Only a few years ago the instruments were, in some cases electric, but never electronic. Today, however, computers are everywhere, we use them to get the data, and to analyze it and process it too. For this reason, nowadays, Science Software is of big importance in the scientific community.

Science Software has two main areas of interest, Control Software, and Data Processing Software. Control software refers to any program used to control a scientific instrument and obtain valuable data. Data Processing Programs, as its name suggests, are programs that extract useful information from the data provided by scientific instruments. 

Control Software

It’s easy to control one single instrument that was recently bought, you just install the drivers and read the instructions. But what about older equipment whose drivers are missing or are no longer compatible with your Operating System. What about a handmade equipment whose drivers were never written. What if you buy a lot of new equipment and you want it to work altogether. For example, when building a new observatory a master control software is required. If any of this sounds familiar, you may need a Control Software solution. At Space Robotics we have professional programmers that will write the software you need with a clear code and a user-friendly interface. Contact us with the form below and tell us what you need.

Data Processing Software


Once your valuable data has been acquired, the first thing to do is safely store it. For small amounts of data, standard text files are ok, but things are not that easy when handling a lot of information. For such situations, databases are the solution, a database allows you to safely store your data while keeping it organized and accessible.

At Space Robotics we create personalized databases specially designed for our customers’ needs, and once your data is safely stored and accessible, it’s time to put it to use. Many data processing solutions are available to do so.

Machine Learning and Neural Networks

Machine Learning is a new technique to process data. Let’s say you have a lot of images and you need to look for certain figures in them, or maybe you have millions of measures over time and you are looking for certain patrons, the type of data does not really matter.

To overcome this situation you could manually try to detect all the figures or patrons, but this would take forever, of course, you could write a program designed to detect those figures or patrons, but if they are complex it will be insanely difficult to explain to the program what to look for, and it won’t work properly, it will detect patrons where there are not and skip many figures.

Fortunately, there is a third option for these scenarios: machine learning. With machine learning, instead of explaining to the program what it is supposed to detect, we teach them to do so with several examples in which we tell the machine where the figure or the patron is.

Neural Networks is one of the possible mechanisms that the machine could use to learn from these examples. After a few examples, the program on its own learns how those figures or patrons are from its own point of view, and it’s ready to detect them in giants amounts of data. With the form below you can contact us if you think you could benefit from our Neural Networks for Machine Learning.

Big Data

Big Data refers to datasets so huge and complex that standard processing programs cannot deal with them in a reasonable processing time. To deal with such amounts of data and obtain real valuable information that can be handled and used, specialized methods have been developed. 

If you think that your amount of data will reach this point, consider contacting us with the form below and we will study the situation to provide a Big Data solution.

Simulation Programs

A computer model is the algorithms and equations used to capture the behavior of the system being modeled. By contrast, computer simulation is the actual running of the program that contains these equations or algorithms. Simulation, therefore, is the process of running a model. 

Simulation programs are extremely useful when studying dynamic systems where an initial measurable scenario suffers a transformation process and changes into a new final scenario where you can measure too.

If after introducing the initial parameters that you measured, the simulation results agree with the data acquired from the final scenario, this means that the model that has been used is accurate and can be used to predict future situations or to explain how the transformation process works.

The initial parameters requirements vary widely. For some, the input might be just a few numbers (for example, simulation of a waveform of AC electricity on a wire), while others might require terabytes of information (such as weather and climate models).

Because of this variety, and because diverse simulation systems have many common elements, there are a large number of specialized simulation languages.

If you are interested in simulation software, contact us through the form below and we will assist you and deliver the program that best suits your experiment.

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Control Software

Procesing Software

Big Data, Machine Learning


8 + 5 =

Development Process 


First proposal

Analysis & Creation

General analysis


Product testing


Final Delivery

Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Thinking about working with us? Fill out this form and send us an email with your CV. We will contact you if a position suits your profile. Currently, we are opening new projects in the Virtual Reality, Robotics and Education departments. Check out the following...

Update of the Lunar Museum’s AR Application

The Lunar Museum, located in Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid, Spain), near the old NASA Manned Spaceflight Tracking Station, has recently announced a new update to its augmented reality (AR) application. This update includes several improvements and new features that...

New interactive software for museums

Interactive modules are a very useful tool to improve the visitor experience in museums and other cultural institutions. At Nubalo Studios S.L., we have developed a series of software for interactive modules that have been used in different museums and exhibitions.

Full web platform creation for educational visits to the Lunar Museum and the European Space Agency

visitas educativas de colegios de diferentes temporadas. Nubalo Studios S.L., empresa líder en el desarrollo de plataformas web, ha desarrollado estos proyectos.

Robotic Rosalind Franklin v3 – COVID online demostrator

The European Space Agency (ESA) will launch the robotic rover Rosalind Franklin towards Mars in 2022. As the exploration of Mars prepares for a rebirth, the European rover hones its equipment for the challenges that lie ahead. ExoMars 2020 will deliver a rover and a...

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to the covid_19 sanitary alert. Besides asking all our employees to work on-line from their homes to limit human contact and stop the propagation, at SpaceRobotics.EU we are contributing to...

Augmented Reality Topography Sandbox 2.0 for education and science

Back in 2017, our AR team designed and built a colour-changing interactive augmented reality sandbox and changed forever how we explain topography to children. Two years later, they have come back with Space Robotics' "Augmented Reality Topography Sandbox 2.0", a...

Rosetta’s Final Images

We are proud to announce that our collaboration with the European Space Agency is bearing fruit and a two-minutes-long video displaying Rosetta's final images before programmed impact on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko has already been released. It took several weeks...

CESAR Solar Observatory Automatization Upgrades

We are happy to announce that the upgrading of CESAR's Solar Observatory conducted by Space Robotics has concluded successfully. The telescopes are already back to work, the new devices perform just as expected, and the observatory is now automatized and works on its...

The very best 3D 67P for the CAESAR team

We have created the very best 3D model of the comet 67P for NASA's CAESAR development team. It has been long since March 2004, when Rosetta was launched towards 67P, but it was only two years ago when the mission ended. Rosetta has been one of ESA's most ambitious...

Software and Documentation for TBT Robotic Telescope

We have recently assembled the software for a completely new space-related project: TBT, a robotic telescope that will look for unidentified objects close to Earth. Within ESA's SSA and GSTP programmes the TBT project was born in 2012 to detect and keep track on NEOs....

Science Cases’ Web-Tools for the ESA – ESAC educational project CESAR

As part of the ESAC - ESA (European Space Astronomy Centre of the European Space Agency) educational project CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) we have been developing Science Case Web-Tools to complement the educational products...

Herschel Space Observatory Virtual Reality App

On the occasion of Herschel end of post-operations event at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre), the Space Division of Nubalo Studios, as part of the CESAR project, and in collaboration with the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Centre) has created a Virtual Reality...

2017 Total Solar Eclipse App

On August 21st 2017 a total solar eclipse occurred, and at Space Robotics, we had to do something about it. To help those in the USA enjoy it, and to approach it to anyone elsewhere, we built the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse App. A total solar eclipse seen from the Earth...

CESAR Solar Observatory Robotization Upgrades

We are happy to announce that the upgrading of CESAR's Solar Observatory conducted by Space Robotics has concluded successfully. The telescopes are already back to work, the new devices perform just as expected, and the observatory is now robotized and can be...

Juice and ExoMars added to Cosmographia – Spice (Solar System Simulation Software)

We have designed Juice and ExoMars 3D models adapted to Cosmographia. Enter the software and be ready to fly along with this missions to their destiny, enjoy the spacecraft design with realistic 3D graphics, see what they see and discover the wonders of the Solar...

App for Professional Astrophysics and Young Astronomers

Our best teams of designers, astronomers and engineers are developing this new app that will satisfy both professional astrophysics and astrophotographers and the youngest astronomers interested in space. This mobile application is, at the same time, a professional...

2016 Mercury Transit App

On May 9th 2016 a Mercury Transit occurred, and at Space Robotics, we had to do something about it. To help those with access to a telescope enjoy it, and to approach it to anyone else, we built the 2016 Mercury Transit App.   About the Mercury Transit A transit...

Observatory Security Robotic Installation

We have recently designed and successfully installed a security system for an astronomical observatory. Security installations are crucial for amateur and professional observatories. The telescope and all the equipment must be weather resistant as well as prepared...

NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex full software and website development

We have recently designed and successfully developed the new web page of NASA's MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex) and all the software included in it. MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), which is...
Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Thinking about working with us? Fill out this form and send us an email with your CV. We will contact you if a position suits your profile. Currently, we are opening new projects in the Virtual Reality, Robotics and Education departments. Check out the following...

Update of the Lunar Museum’s AR Application

Update of the Lunar Museum’s AR Application

The Lunar Museum, located in Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid, Spain), near the old NASA Manned Spaceflight Tracking Station, has recently announced a new update to its augmented reality (AR) application. This update includes several improvements and new features that...

New interactive software for museums

New interactive software for museums

Interactive modules are a very useful tool to improve the visitor experience in museums and other cultural institutions. At Nubalo Studios S.L., we have developed a series of software for interactive modules that have been used in different museums and exhibitions.

Robotic Rosalind Franklin v3 – COVID online demostrator

Robotic Rosalind Franklin v3 – COVID online demostrator

The European Space Agency (ESA) will launch the robotic rover Rosalind Franklin towards Mars in 2022. As the exploration of Mars prepares for a rebirth, the European rover hones its equipment for the challenges that lie ahead. ExoMars 2020 will deliver a rover and a...

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to the covid_19 sanitary alert. Besides asking all our employees to work on-line from their homes to limit human contact and stop the propagation, at SpaceRobotics.EU we are contributing to...

Rosetta’s Final Images

Rosetta’s Final Images

We are proud to announce that our collaboration with the European Space Agency is bearing fruit and a two-minutes-long video displaying Rosetta's final images before programmed impact on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko has already been released. It took several weeks...

CESAR Solar Observatory Automatization Upgrades

CESAR Solar Observatory Automatization Upgrades

We are happy to announce that the upgrading of CESAR's Solar Observatory conducted by Space Robotics has concluded successfully. The telescopes are already back to work, the new devices perform just as expected, and the observatory is now automatized and works on its...

The very best 3D 67P for the CAESAR team

The very best 3D 67P for the CAESAR team

We have created the very best 3D model of the comet 67P for NASA's CAESAR development team. It has been long since March 2004, when Rosetta was launched towards 67P, but it was only two years ago when the mission ended. Rosetta has been one of ESA's most ambitious...

Software and Documentation for TBT Robotic Telescope

Software and Documentation for TBT Robotic Telescope

We have recently assembled the software for a completely new space-related project: TBT, a robotic telescope that will look for unidentified objects close to Earth. Within ESA's SSA and GSTP programmes the TBT project was born in 2012 to detect and keep track on NEOs....

Herschel Space Observatory Virtual Reality App

Herschel Space Observatory Virtual Reality App

On the occasion of Herschel end of post-operations event at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre), the Space Division of Nubalo Studios, as part of the CESAR project, and in collaboration with the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Centre) has created a Virtual Reality...

2017 Total Solar Eclipse App

2017 Total Solar Eclipse App

On August 21st 2017 a total solar eclipse occurred, and at Space Robotics, we had to do something about it. To help those in the USA enjoy it, and to approach it to anyone elsewhere, we built the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse App. A total solar eclipse seen from the Earth...

CESAR Solar Observatory Robotization Upgrades

CESAR Solar Observatory Robotization Upgrades

We are happy to announce that the upgrading of CESAR's Solar Observatory conducted by Space Robotics has concluded successfully. The telescopes are already back to work, the new devices perform just as expected, and the observatory is now robotized and can be...

App for Professional Astrophysics and Young Astronomers

App for Professional Astrophysics and Young Astronomers

Our best teams of designers, astronomers and engineers are developing this new app that will satisfy both professional astrophysics and astrophotographers and the youngest astronomers interested in space. This mobile application is, at the same time, a professional...

2016 Mercury Transit App

2016 Mercury Transit App

On May 9th 2016 a Mercury Transit occurred, and at Space Robotics, we had to do something about it. To help those with access to a telescope enjoy it, and to approach it to anyone else, we built the 2016 Mercury Transit App.   About the Mercury Transit A transit...

Observatory Security Robotic Installation

Observatory Security Robotic Installation

We have recently designed and successfully installed a security system for an astronomical observatory. Security installations are crucial for amateur and professional observatories. The telescope and all the equipment must be weather resistant as well as prepared...

NASA’s MDSCC’s DSS-63 antenna TLC control software update

NASA’s MDSCC’s DSS-63 antenna TLC control software update

NASA's MDSCC's antennae are not only used to contact distant space probes. Radioastronomy investigations also fit in the crowded timetable of these huge instruments. Recently, we have updated the software needed to use one of these telecommunications devices as...

SMOS Satellite Event Logger Tool

SMOS Satellite Event Logger Tool

We provide an event logger tool for ESAC's SMOS Satellite DPGS software. ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is dedicated to making global observations of soil moisture over land and salinity over oceans. Although other applications have recently...

Submissions for radioastronomy observations in MDSCC

Submissions for radioastronomy observations in MDSCC

We have developed a software to submit proposals of radioastronomy observations to NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex). MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute to NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), which is in charge of the...

SMOS Satellite Event Logger Tool

Where is SMOS?

We provide the automatic positioning tool which the SMOS team asked for to complete their SMOS FOS software. ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is dedicated to making global observations of soil moisture over land and salinity over oceans. Although...

NASA’s MDSCC’s RadioAstronomy’s web’s online tools

NASA’s MDSCC’s RadioAstronomy’s web’s online tools

We have created a whole set of online tools for the new webpage of the radioastronomy observations programme at NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex). About MDSCC MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute to NASA’s Deep Space Network...

NASA’s MDSCC’s RadioAstronomy web creation

NASA’s MDSCC’s RadioAstronomy web creation

We have created a new webpage for the radioastronomy observations programme at NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex). MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute to NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), which is in charge of the...

ExoMars’ RLS Database

ExoMars’ RLS Database

Under contract with the Space Programs and Space Science Department of INTA we have designed the database for ExoMars' Raman Libs Spectrometer (RLS). A management database for components, materials... ExoMars is a joint endeavour between ESA and the Russian space...