SpaceRobotics.EU has once again participated in the celebration of the ESA Open Day at the facilities of the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villafranca del Castillo. In collaboration with the outreach team led by the space communicator Astronaut LiLi, we have brought science and space exploration closer to the public in an exciting and educational way. Our team dazzled visitors with a variety of activities and experiences designed to transport attendees beyond Earth and discover the wonders of space. The virtual tour allows everyone to revisit online the facilities of ESAC and the various experiences carried out.

Experience with VR glasses at the ESA Open Day.

The presentation of the 1:2 scale model of the Rosalind Franklin rover stood out as the highlight of the event. This rover, planned to be sent to Mars in the coming years with the exciting mission of searching for signs of life, became the focal point of interest for both knowledge-hungry young and adults fascinated by space exploration. Visitors had the opportunity to delve into the mission’s details, generating great enthusiasm and curiosity among attendees who listened to the explanations with fully attention. The meticulously designed and crafted model by SpaceRobotics.EU captivated the audience by showcasing its ability to move and the advanced cameras it uses to explore and recognize the Martian environment.

The team offers robotic services for various types of vehicles, catering to diverse events. They are also open to custom orders, providing the opportunity to bring robotic innovation to anyone interested through the contact form available on the official website. This unique and cutting-edge approach promises to push new boundaries at the intersection of space technology and active public engagement.

1:2 scale model of the Rosalind Franklin rover at the ESA Open Day.

In an effort to incorporate immersive space experiences, SpaceRobotics.EU enhanced attendee participation at the event by utilizing virtual reality (VR) goggles. These goggles allowed visitors to fully immerse themselves in simulated environments of Mars and the International Space Station (ISS), providing them with the incredible sensation of walking on the surface of the Red Planet and floating in the microgravity experienced on the ISS. The meticulous design of these scenarios by SpaceRobotics.EU not only aims to bring space closer to the public from the comfort of their homes but also serves as a valuable training resource for astronauts preparing for missions with various space agencies.

In addition to these VR experiences, the SpaceRobotics.EU team has consistently demonstrated its versatility throughout its journey by creating a wide variety of interactive content, including games, experiences, maps, videos, and applications related to space exploration. All this innovative and educational material can be requested through the contact form, providing interested individuals with the opportunity to explore the cosmos in a unique way.

One of the most exciting moments of the event was the chance to pose in front of a chroma key background that recreated the ESA‘s Columbus module on the ISS. Attendees experienced the unique opportunity to take photographs as authentic astronauts in space, creating unforgettable memories and solidifying SpaceRobotics.EU‘s prominent presence at the forefront of space outreach and the creation of unique experiences.

Chroma of the ISS with the ESA Columbus module at the ESA Open Day.

Astronaut LiLi’s team conducted two different workshops, transforming families into space engineers and authentic astronauts. These activities fostered teamwork and ignited interest in science, technology, and space exploration among future scientists. Leveraging cutting-edge technology provided by SpaceRobotics.EU, the workshops facilitated the understanding of scientific concepts and truly transported participants to inhospitable places where they could deeply learn about space in a more realistic and visual manner. Additionally, the youngsters were able to take home a personalized diploma and an augmented reality (AR) poster that operates with the free NubaloAR app for Android or iOS, and it also works with the free poster exhibition available at

SpaceRobotics.EU takes pride in having collaborated in each of these ESAC activities, providing the technology and innovation that make each experience unique. In summary, the ESA Open Day was a resounding success that left everyone delighted and fascinated with the wonders of space. This collaborative effort in scientific outreach, of which we are grateful and proud to be a part, successfully brought science and space exploration to the public in an accessible and thrilling manner. Undoubtedly, an event that will inspire future generations to dream big and continue exploring the mysteries of the universe.

Space Engineers Workshop at the ESA Open Day.