2020 ExoMars’ Rover, the final design.

2020 ExoMars’ Rover, the final design.

ExoMars 2020 won’t be launched until… guess it… 2020, but missions are always designed years before the launching date, so ExoMars’ 2020 Rover’s final design has already been presented. Although we already had figures from previous...
JUICE, the final design.

JUICE, the final design.

JUICE won’t be launched until June 2022 but the final design has already been presented. On request of the JUICE Project team, we have created the first ever scale model of JUICE’s final design. JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) is the first large-class...
Galileo Satellite Scale Model

Galileo Satellite Scale Model

We release our latest 3D creation: a Galileo satellite scale model. This model was designed from scratch under contract with ESA’s Galileo Programme. Galileo is a global navigation satellite system created by the European Union (EU) and developed by the European...