Jun 22, 2010 | Science & Software, Space Industry
We provide an event logger tool for ESAC’s SMOS Satellite DPGS software. ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is dedicated to making global observations of soil moisture over land and salinity over oceans. Although other applications have...
Jun 22, 2010 | Science & Software, Space Industry
We provide the automatic positioning tool which the SMOS team asked for to complete their SMOS FOS software. ESA’s Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is dedicated to making global observations of soil moisture over land and salinity over oceans. Although...
Mar 7, 2009 | Science & Software, Space Industry
Under contract with the Space Programs and Space Science Department of INTA we have designed the database for ExoMars’ Raman Libs Spectrometer (RLS). A management database for components, materials… ExoMars is a joint endeavour between ESA and the Russian...