Between the 29th and the 31st October 2018, ESA’s latest open-to-the-public Space-Industry event took place in Bilbao (Spain). The “Space for Inspiration” international conferences, exhibitions and meetings presented a fresh view on the Space Industry to anyone (individuals or company’s representatives) interested in space exploration and in the new possibilities it offers.

Huge companies such as Airbus, OHB or GMV took the opportunity to present their brand new technologies during the event, and, of course, at SpaceRobotics, we didn’t want to miss the chance either. At “Space for Inspiration 2018”, SpaceRobotics presented all the different projects in which it’s currently working on.



For example, we exhibited the scaled models designed for the teams of space missions such as Bepicolombo or Galileo, created from scratch by our 3D-modelers to assure the highest possible detail level and at the same time achieve a fast and clean production. We also presented our Mars rover prototype based on ESA’s Exomars. This prototype-model allows us to test new 3D-printing materials and new sensors and custom electronics components that will be implemented on future more-advanced models. Moreover, these projects serve as a basis for our educational and outreach projects in school and universities. Using our models together with virtual-and-augmented-reality-related technologies we provide an immersive visualization experience to expand and consolidate knowledge.

During the event, we also met other companies such as PLD Space, which is currently building the first private space-launcher “made in Spain”. Astronaut Lili, from our “Interplanetary Travel” project, will visit them in the near future to show from the inside what is this company about.

Space for Inspiration was definitely an enriching experience for us, thanks to it, we met great people, we made new business contacts, and hopefully, we will have made ourselves known.


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