Jul 15, 2018 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models
ESA’s ESAC D-bulding hosts during this summer an Artistic-Scientific-Technological exhibition by SpaceRobotics, where planetary exploration is presented in an absolutely innovative way. The exhibition itself is about ESA’s exploration of the...
Oct 31, 2017 | Science & Software, Virtual Reality
On the occasion of Herschel end of post-operations event at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre), the Space Division of Nubalo Studios, as part of the CESAR project, and in collaboration with the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Centre) has created a Virtual Reality...
Aug 10, 2017 | Multimedia Creation
If these images already look great, try to imagine them in a 360º Spherical Planetary Projector! We have recently designed a software and interface for this special kind of projector and its ready for an educational use as well as to liven up the room. They are...
Jul 15, 2017 | Space Education, Space Robotics
As part of our strong commitment to education and scientific dissemination, we have designed a physical simulator and demonstrator of the legendary Ariane 5 rocket. The model is interactive and shows the different stages of the rocket, it’s perfect to be used in...