Apr 10, 2018 | Scaled Models
JUICE won’t be launched until June 2022 but the final design has already been presented. On request of the JUICE Project team, we have created the first ever scale model of JUICE’s final design. JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) is the first large-class...
Aug 10, 2017 | Multimedia Creation
If these images already look great, try to imagine them in a 360º Spherical Planetary Projector! We have recently designed a software and interface for this special kind of projector and its ready for an educational use as well as to liven up the room. They are...
Aug 14, 2016 | Science & Software, Space Education
Our best teams of designers, astronomers and engineers are developing this new app that will satisfy both professional astrophysics and astrophotographers and the youngest astronomers interested in space. This mobile application is, at the same time, a professional...