Jul 30, 2018 | Space Education
Another summer begins and so does Summer Schools’ time! Once again we are in charge of designing, preparing, and coordinating all the activities for ESA’s ESAC’s annual Space Summer School. Over a hundred kids come to this daycamp every year looking...
Jul 15, 2018 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models
ESA’s ESAC D-bulding hosts during this summer an Artistic-Scientific-Technological exhibition by SpaceRobotics, where planetary exploration is presented in an absolutely innovative way. The exhibition itself is about ESA’s exploration of the...
Mar 20, 2017 | Space Education
We won the contest organized by the educational division of ESA (the European Space Agency). Our prize: we get to work in the CESAR project, design and lead the Space Science Experiences, create new space technology for educational purposes and organize school visits...