Aug 10, 2017 | Multimedia Creation
If these images already look great, try to imagine them in a 360º Spherical Planetary Projector! We have recently designed a software and interface for this special kind of projector and its ready for an educational use as well as to liven up the room. They are...
Jun 2, 2015 | Multimedia Creation, Science & Software
We have recently designed and successfully developed the new web page of NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex) and all the software included in it. MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN),...
Oct 22, 2010 | Science & Software, Space Industry
NASA’s MDSCC’s antennae are not only used to contact distant space probes. Radioastronomy investigations also fit in the crowded timetable of these huge instruments. Recently, we have updated the software needed to use one of these telecommunications...